Tuesday, January 25, 2011


As some of you were aware I took a photography class this last fall semester at Santa Monica College.....and just happened to love it. So much so that I am going back for more (and maybe even a degree). February 14th will be the beginning of my next semester and many more photos to be taken. I thought maybe I would share some of the pictures I took over the last semester to change things up around here a bit. Heck, maybe I'll start including some posts with photography tips and little lessons that I learn along the way. What do you think? Well, for now here are just a few images from varying assignments in Photography 1 with Ms. Gregory.

Oh, and all of these images are straight out of camera--no editing allowed. Not even cropping. So keep that in mind. And it's hard to always get it right in camera.

For this assignment I photographed lots of different produce from the 3rd St. Farmers Market. It was pouring rain this day while we were on a field trip for the class and I was juggling holding both an umbrella and my camera. Not easy. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself walking around in the rain and looking at pretty vegtables.

Farmers Market assignment.

Farmers Market assignment.

Farmers Market assignment.

This particular assignment was called 'Urban Landscapes'.
It was such a challenge for me to run around town just looking for cool pictures, not knowing before hand where to go or where I'd park and having time restraints with Gavin. But I was so happy that I pushed myself outside my comfort zone and normal subject matter (ie. Gavin) for this assignment. Well, I guess I had to if I wanted a good grade in the class. It wasn't easy to do, but I think I was the most happy with these images out of all that I took that semester.

Urban Landscapes assignment.

Urban Landscapes assignment.

Urban Landscapes assignment.

Here's one image from my 'Depth of Field' assignment where we were trying to get just a little bit of the image sharp and the rest of it out of focus, or shallow depth of field. These squares are from the wall of a local deli.

Well, and here we have the 'Environmental Portraits' assignment where of course Gavin made his SMC debut. What teacher could resist this face and give me anything but an A, right? I did use other people besides Gavin for this assignment, but at least half of them contained the little guy. Doesn't he look like such a menace here?

Environmental Portrait assignment

Environmental Portrait assignment.

Environmental Portrait assignment.

Next up for Spring semester.....Black and White film AND Digital Imaging. Can't wait!
Stay tuned for more!

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