Friday, October 2, 2009


In all the years we've lived in California we have never been to Lake Tahoe.  It almost seemed a crime.   So with our new tent in hand and a vow to camp our way through the West, we set out for our first trip to Tahoe.  It was more beautiful than we could have imagined.  Our campsite had a million dollar view of the lake and the water was as blue as ever.  We only stayed for two nights, but we crammed as much time as we could out in the water swimming, kayaking or just skipping stones.  It was a magical place.  Lake Tahoe tops our list of most favorite vacations.  Ever.

It was a family affair.  The whole gang came along for our kayak trips, even Banjo.  We were quite the site paddling by.

Me and my boy.

Our awesome campsite in Emerald Bay.

Emerald Bay

Mr. Gavin enjoying our hike.

Even the skies are bluer in Tahoe.

A lookout trail next to our campsite led us to this view.  It was about a 5 min walk.

Curtis checking things out.

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