Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It was certainly a very hot St. Patrick's Day this year. Gavin and I spent the day playing in the water at Manhattan Beach's fountains and eating some yummy pinkberry! There happened to be a birthday party going on so we got to enjoy some good music, bubbles, and lots of little friends running around too!

The cutest little leprechaun I ever did see!

Kiss me I'm Irish!

Earlier in the day we had a little excitement at the house. Curtis had come home during his lunch break and we were all sitting down to eat when all of the sudden the fire alarms started going off in the whole building. We sat there a little surprised and wondering if this was a real fire emergency. We made our way outside with alarms blarring in our ears (we were all wearing earplugs at this point and it was still deafening) and waited outside while the fireman went to work. I don't think there was any kind of fire fortunately, just some faulty alarm system error. But regardless, Gavin thought it was the coolest thing to see the fireman walking around our building dressed in their full suits and watching all the firetrucks coming and going! There's never a dull moment around here these days.

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